Category Archives: Uncategorized


Pain News Network

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Pain News Network

I heard about this on the Science Friday show on NPR. Of course they also referenced the popularly current war against opiates. So then I was thinking, that’s great now every doctor who listens to NPR is going to lump this on top of their growing hysteria to avoid supporting chronic pain patients with the one drug category that does help. I think I’m going crazy the more I am treated as a criminal on 30 mandatory parole and piss tests. Opiates not perfect, but learn to understand the patient and monitor them. It doesn’t have to be the Spanish Inquisition.


I thought Pain Criminal was being accepted

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but I was wrong.  Will the persecution never end?

Medical personnel stress over treatment choices < (is less than) Pain and Pain related experience of Chronic pain patent.

Why would a pharmacist think their stress over filling a new earlier prescription written by the same doctor for the same patient equate to what the Pain Criminal must live with?

I do know the system is insane and that everyone in the treatment chain is at times over scrutinized.  I do not go to the doctor or to the pharmacy to get drugs.  I have been trained to feel humiliated that the drugs that help me are so dangerous and need a government to monitor the access to them constantly.

I realize when someone can have a bad day pushing papers around and their boss or even the FDA might get upset but spare me your trauma.   I can assure you your not feeling anything like I do.  I’m the one in daily trauma when you forget I’m just trying to kill pain and live with my pain.

This system is wrong and needs to be reformed to handle patients with chronic problems as priority.





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If you’re like me you have to get a controlled substance to medicate away pain.

If you’re not like me you don’t.  But some of you not like me people should not be stealing, killing, lying, cheating for controlled things so that I wouldn’t be a Pain Criminal.

If frequent flyers can take the express lane at the airport why can’t I have the same privileges at the pharmacy?

Right now I’m on a monthly cycle where I still get humiliated and mistreated but only because the DEA rules are so strict, because of people who steal, kill, lie, and cheat to get medications.

You people make my life worse.


And again

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On July 19 I had a pretty crummy day with a new ‘severe’ phantom pain.  crazy life.

Amazing what horrible things humans can live through.

Not totally a loss, the day after mostly the pains went back to normal.


Artificial Leg

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Everyone loves all the amazing artificial legs.  It’s almost like people believe they are better than an actual human leg.

I’m sure some of the amazing advancements are exactly amazing advancements.  Sadly an amazing bionic hand nor any of the super bionic legs, nor blade fake feet hold much use for me.

I have a hip-disarticulation amputation. Which actually upon thinking about it, reads like something I don’t have more than something I do have.    When I had my osteogenic sarcoma it was in my femur.  So the orthopedic surgeon removed my entire femur to do the best to ensure the cancer was entirely removed.  Without the femur  means I have no hip joint or anything lower.  Well except the Fantomsmärta (phantom pain) of course.

So I get around on crutches instead of a full leg prothesis.  Despite advancements, minor in my opinion, the leg option is more cumbersome and uncomfortable than crutches.

Now I just need to get a much better permanent handgrip solution.  But more on crutches another day.


Phantom Pain

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My Story:

Born in 1960s Mississippi we had lots of fun but the one day leaning against the guard rails caused a bruise like pain in my upper right thigh.  Then a couple of hours later we were pretending to kick box with each other while jumping on the trampoline.  One kick later and my femur just separated, and my leg was flopping around in very painful ways it never was intended.

After getting a ride from my Mom to the hospital in our VW Van which she drove to the back yard.

Then onto the Emergency Room for the waiting.  Eventually I even got a shot of Demerol  for the pain, then a bunch of X-Rays.  A day or so later the X-Rays indicted cancer, so onto the biopsy stage.  When the biopsy was taken, sent to a few different labs for analysis.

Unfortunately all the tests of the biopsies came back showing I had the malignant form which can kill me.

So onto the next step Amputation.  My amputation of choice was a Hip-Disarticulation of the right leg.  After I get healed up from the leg being amputated.


Come back next time for more fun and actual Episodes of the Pain Criminal .